Flying as a wheelchair user ✈️ ♿️ ad

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This blog/video is in partnership with Permobil. For more information about their travel support, click here
As some of you may know, at the end of last year I was so excited to visit the land of Permobil! But I can’t lie, I was so nervous to fly. It had been 9+ years since I last went on a plane so I wasn’t sure how it would all work 🤔
After the trip I wrote some notes for anyone else who might be nervous to fly. Of course there’s so much out of our control in these situations and there’s so many times we see online that we’re let down by airports.
However here are somethings I found that helped:
👉🏼 if you have the means, buy or borrow an AirTag to clip to your chair (a kind friend lent me hers for this trip)
👉🏼 research the particular airports you’re visiting, know what’s available and how to get the support (you shouldn’t have to but it helps knowing you should be entitled to)
👉🏼 have your wheelchair information to hand (weight, battery type and how to switch off electrics)
👉🏼 take everything off your chair that can easily be lost
👉🏼 be vocal about what you need (I brought my brother for extra support - again you shouldn’t have to but it definitely helped)
I hope these tips help, let me know if you have any more I’d love to know!
I have some exciting trips coming up in 2024 so if you enjoyed this let me know and I’ll film those too!
Finally massive thank you to Permobil for making this trip happen - it was bloomin’ amazing 💖