Tips for people who “don’t do social media”

“I know I need to be online but I can’t do what you do and get in front of a camera”
This is the phrase I’m hearing more and more at the moment. We know being on social media is a huge way to get your message, business or side hustle out there - but you’re thinking I’m just not “one of those people”. If you’re one of those people but you want to dip your toes into it then listen up. Here’s some myths I want to bust and tips to share which may reassure you a little…
You don’t have to be a loud extrovert to be successful
When you think of people on social media, do you think ‘loud’ and ‘in your face’? Well, yes some people are but a lot aren’t. You don’t have to pretend you’re something you’re not. My mum loves watching vlogs, she sews and there’s a whole community of quiet, shy people like herself who post all about their passion. People attract others who are authentically themselves and can relate. My mum and I often swap notes about who we’ve been enjoying watching online - they’re completely different types of people and that’s the beauty of it!
Don’t just try and do everything at once
If you’re thinking you want to start out - don’t start Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube and Facebook all at once. It will be so overwhelming and each platform needs different attention - my recommendation is start with one platform and really build it up. Get to know what your message(s) is and who your audience is. Once that’s established you can dabble in your next platform!
Get familiar with Canva
If you don’t know what Canva is, google it and get familiar! It’s the best free way to start having professional looking graphics easily. There are templates on there to get you started and if you like it, you can pay for pro for more features. Btw I'm not affiliated in any way with them - just sharing how to step up your look! The thing I love most about it is it has every dimension you need for every platform. Need a LinkedIn banner or Instagram story? Just type it in the search bar and voila it’s there! My number one piece of advice is keep it consistent. Use the same colours and designs. Don’t do 2 different looks for 2 different platforms. The more consistent you are, the more familiar you will be to your audience.
Get started now
I don’t mean this in the shouty aggressive way. I just mean, that content is waiting to be made. The more you start to build and see it, the more realistic and possible it will feel.
Social media can be a huge way to reach thousands of people you never could by word of mouth. So stop saying you don’t do social media and start saying you’re dipping your toes. You’ll be swimming in no time!